Monday, June 14, 2010

Microsoft Kinect

Well, they changed the name from Project Natal to Microsoft Kinect. I prefer Natal. I can imagine telling people; 'Hey you guys, I just got a Kinect!' And they would reply; 'What? You got a Konek?' For the uninitiated, Kinect is the so called future of gaming. Using Kinect, games in the future will utilise full body motion of the player eliminating the need for controllers. Its still in the early phases though and is expected to be released at the end of 2011.

In the video, you should see Forza Motorsport using the Kinect controller. He's controlling the car by putting his two hands in front of him and using it like a steering wheel! Wowee! Downside? How do you brake? Use gears? Look sideways or back? As stated, Kinect's still in the early phases.

Imagine playing Call of Duty using Kinect or Star Wars or Street Fighter! But I can't help but feel I might be in for some massive disappointment when Kinect finally releases for the gaming market.

With games adopting full body motion, you know what this means. Yeah! Virtual SEX!! Virtual sex on 3D LCD TV's!!


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