Tuesday, June 22, 2010

E3 2010

Apparently, there's this 'thing' called the 'World Cup' going around everywhere in the past few weeks. Being the video game geek I am, this once in four years world event passes by my membrane without a glance. The only consolation I have between me and the World Cup is the news results and highlights so I can pretend I'm a normal human being and say, 'Last nights match? Yeah, I watched it. Awesome stuff. I wasn't in no way playing Split Second throughout the whole match'

When June hits every year, my eyes are set only on the E3 Expo. The biggest video game convention. Someday, I would attend the expo. Maybe after I graduate. Nonetheless, its a future project.

Lots of great stuff coming out soon. And so, here are the video game bits unveiled at E3 2010:


Don't mean to brag, but I got Ending A in the 1st Dead Rising. Yeeeeaaap. Mighty tough shit to go through. I fucking love anything with zombies. Getting to modify weapons in Dead Rising 2? Fuck yeah! Get to put two chainsaws on a motorbike to fuck up hundreds of zombies? FUCK YEAH! Oh yeah, this time, the about a thousand zombies are able to fill up the screen. Oh yeah.


Okay, the 1st one was a bit disappointing. I mean, the part where you had to take down the Star Destroyer? That was some fucking annoying shit. I spent most of the time getting into cover to avoid the blasters from AT's then come out periodically to throw stuff at it. Going at it close quarter was not a good idea with other storm troopers and heavy troopers shooting your ass. Hopefully, the 2nd fixes the combat problems and the story. You can't kill Paladin because its not the Jedi way but its okay to kill thousands of storm troopers and other living creatures? BS..


I don't own a PS3 so I didn't have a chance to play Metal Gear Solid 4 so having this ain't so bad. Its a far cry from being stealthy like Snake but getting to cut down everything and anything? I'd like to see how far the tech can go. Castration option? That would be brutal.


The follow-up to the critically acclaimed Dead Space. The 2nd should be just as impressive. Just bought the 1st one to give it a go. I know its been almost a year plus, but I just got sidetracked by all the cool games appearing during that time. Fallout 3 was the game that threw Dead Space into the shadows.


I mentioned Fallout 3, I assume you can guess I'm eagerly anticipating this one. New world, new weapons, new karma system. I spent a good 100 hours on Fallout 3. I suppose the same can be expected from this one too.


Licensed games don't do so well. But this looks like a lot of potential. Getting to create your own transformer? That sounds fucking rad. Really hoping this would be good. And epic.


The last one sucked in terms of gameplay. It redeemed itself in a good story and characters. But, seriously.. Whats Eidos doing? When they could be doing Hitman 5??!! Get your shit together and make fucking Hitman 5!!


Gears of War is the ultimate in manly gaming. Testosterone filled adrenaline shots down your dick. You can feel hairs growing on your fucking chest playing Gears of War. Picks up after the 2nd game. Human race threatened. Locusts on radioactive steroids. Time for Marcus and gang to rev up their chainsaws. Plus, we get to finally see where Marcus's father fits into the scene.


A prequel to the original, this one looks set to be as good as the last two. I really prefer FPS action RPG's to either JRPG's or traditional RPG's as it suits my tastes in shooters. Hopefully, modification is stretched and offers unlimited possibilities.

Yeah, so I'm missing a few games like Infamous 2, Killzone 3, The Last Guardian, Twisted Metal and The Agency but thats cause they can go fuck themselves. Seriously, system exclusivity has to go. I'm missing out on a lot of good shit here. I mean, COME ON!! Why is The Last Guardian fucking exclusive to PS3??!! Thats just unfair. Fuck you Sony. Fuck YOU!


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