Thursday, July 8, 2010

Internet Slang

I'm not a big advocate of internet slang. I use them sporadically to sound like 'lol' or 'wtf' or 'ttyl'but it just ends there. New internet slang is introduced every day and some, no. most are retarded and should not be used at all.

ZOMG: What the fuck does the 'Z' mean? OMG I can comprehend, even OMFG, but ZOMG? OMG is used to convey surprise or to sound excited about something even though you don't really feel excited or surprise at the moment, just depressed with the financial state of the world and global warming as well as the failures of government intervention. ZOMG? Maybe it means.. No. It does not mean jack shit.

LOLX: Like OMG, LOL I can comprehend, but LOLX? Please explain what the 'X' is? Is it Xtreme? Does it fucking mean Xtreme? Laughing Out Loud Xtreme? Boy, have we reached the epitome of human existence. Pass me the can of beans would you Johnny?

IMHO: When I first heard IMO, I was like WTF and then my friend said it meant In My Opinion and I was like OMG, FYI thats cool. People on boards like to use IMO to ascertain that their critical view is 'their' opinion and you cannot attack it because what the person is being critical of is his/her opinion and nobody else is to shit on it. Adding an Honest is unnecessary.. We already know its your opinion and now you want us to know its 'your' fucking 'honest' opinion? Do you assume that we think you are lying about your opinion or think you're a dishonest dick. Imagine if George Washington used it when he was asked if he chopped down the cherry tree.

George Washington: I cut down the cherry tree for I cannot tell a lie IMHO

That's just fucking stupid. Stop being stupid.

ROFL: LOL is okay but ROFL is just exaggerating it. Rolling On Floor Laughing? Seriously? Are you fucking ROFL when you hear something funny. No! Your a lying piece of shit that's what! Just say 'Haha, that's funny' What the fuck does saying ROFL justify? Its like saying your taking a shit but taking a pee instead. Thats blasphemous. Stop that blasphemy. You are going to hell.

FTW: This is just confusing. Sometimes you can see FTW in people's Facebook statuses but they could either mean For The Win or Fuck The World. One is a happy utterance the other is a fuck-you-I-hate-everything-including-you-I'm-emo-now-fuck-it-gonna-masturbate-now kinda expression. Why make two expressions exists in one slang? Who the fuck comes out with this stuff?

GG: Simply means Good Game and the slang arised from online gaming where a player would politely ascertain GG as a gesture of politeness. However, people in Malaysia seem to use it for the wrong reasons in real life. If something bad or unexpected happens, they say, 'Oh-uh, GG'

Fred: Shit, I put in the wrong answer for question 4

Whomever: GG

Fred: Huh?

CONCLUSION: Stop using watered down expressions. As if expressing yourself using your own terminology is hard enough. I might sound bitter in my writing but that's because I'm preparing myself for old age. Mastering bitter makes the whole world suck less. I don't understand what I just wrote in that last sentence.


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