Monday, November 15, 2010

The Benefits of a Vegan

If what I learned from Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World is true, then I can assume that all hardcore vegans that do not consume meat nor the product of any animal are granted totally awesome telekinetic powers. I wonder why there is no super power admitted to those that require the eat of the meat. Meat is awesome too, but so is totally awesome telekinetic powers.

Which would appeal to me more? The ability to eat meat or the ability to fling people around like ragdolls?

If I went vegan, I wouldn't be able to eat the Beef Bacon Burger at Chili's and that sucks big time. If I ate meat, I wouldn't be able to do awesome stuff like, punch the moon. This decision is as hard as the time I had to decide between manipulating the stock markets and making tons of money at the expense of the world economy (Yes, I caused the Global Financial Crisis by increasing the issuance of mortgage through Adobe).

But if you think about it, can a vegan survive in a post apocalyptic future where food is scarce and the only thing available is human flesh? Thought so. Being vegan is awesome but the reality is, Chili's Beef Bacon Burger is beyond being a vegan.


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