Insanity is not a curse. Rather, it is a condition that allows you to understand yourself and in turn understand the human mind. As the phrase says, the world is a crazy place and you need to be just as crazy to live in it. The insane will inherit the world, and those that do not embrace it will be hunted down for food.
Thats' the smart guy in my head writing that down. But of course, nobody wants to hear about what the smart guy wants to say.
Why is it that movies with huge amounts of CGI and special effects with no plot, character development and content do so well in the box office? Most aren't even good and yet when some people would proclaim them as 'TEH MOVIE OF THE YEAR!! ZOMG!!' The general public are in love with these movies and yet when I mention Citizen Kane or Pulp Fiction I receive glares of confusion accompanied by the 'never heard of it' or 'why would I wanna watch those movies'. I'm beginning to think that society is becoming less and less refined and less exposed. The film Idiocracy illuminates society's fall to stupidity. Need more proof? Two words: Justin Bieber.
The next fucked up generation would take over my generation and as it is, my generation has already been fucked sideways.
Why do I have this blog up and running?
Simple. So I can talk to myself.
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