Sunday, November 28, 2010
The Social Network
Monday, November 15, 2010
The Benefits of a Vegan
If what I learned from Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World is true, then I can assume that all hardcore vegans that do not consume meat nor the product of any animal are granted totally awesome telekinetic powers. I wonder why there is no super power admitted to those that require the eat of the meat. Meat is awesome too, but so is totally awesome telekinetic powers.
Which would appeal to me more? The ability to eat meat or the ability to fling people around like ragdolls?
If I went vegan, I wouldn't be able to eat the Beef Bacon Burger at Chili's and that sucks big time. If I ate meat, I wouldn't be able to do awesome stuff like, punch the moon. This decision is as hard as the time I had to decide between manipulating the stock markets and making tons of money at the expense of the world economy (Yes, I caused the Global Financial Crisis by increasing the issuance of mortgage through Adobe).
But if you think about it, can a vegan survive in a post apocalyptic future where food is scarce and the only thing available is human flesh? Thought so. Being vegan is awesome but the reality is, Chili's Beef Bacon Burger is beyond being a vegan.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Let Me In
Friday, November 12, 2010
Back From The Outer Limits
Sunday, October 3, 2010
To My Favourite Flower
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Update: Dragon Age Poem
But in brief, this is what will happen. Sacred Ashes quest, defeat High Dragon guarding ashes, take ashes to Arl, heal him, proceed to completing all party members personal quests, kill that bitch from Orlais for Leliana, sex with Leliana, kill that old bitch Flemeth for Morrigan, find Sten's bitch sword, visit Alistair's long lost bitch sister in Denerim, get Ohgren together with bitch at Lake Calenhad, kill bitch assassins going after Zevran, give bitch Wynne closure, proceed to Landsmeet to confront Loghain, Anora crowned queen, Alistair leaves because I fucked up, have sex with Morrigan as perse of ritual, final battle with Archdemon at Denerim, kill that fucker, goddamn fucking hero of Ferelden. And then there would be the epilogue poem that ends everything.
However, I'm not gonna do it cause I'm lazy and shit so.. The End.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
DRAGON AGE ORIGINS: As Told By A Blind Poet (Part Four)
The threat to the Dalish lies towards the werewolves
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
DRAGON AGE ORIGINS: As Told By A Blind Poet (Part Three)
Antivian Crows set to ambush and assassinate
Brandishing their bows and daggers
The Warden slices through, breaking the attack
The leader of the assassins lays his sword in surrender
His name, Zevran, an elf
Pleads mercy for his allegiance to the Warden and no other
The Warden sheaths his sword to the dismay of Alistair
Who's trust for the assassin does not go far
Orzammar, the last of the Dwarven cities
Whose gates stand before the Warden
The treaty is prepped to behold towards the Dwarven King, behold towards his knees
Alas, the King has died leaving no heir
Political turmoil engulfs Orzammar with a house divided
Those supporting Lord Harrowmount, those supporting Prince Bhelen
Only the Assembly can decide who drinks the royal fluid
The votes are deadlocked and thus only the Warden can break them
He picks Harrowmount but must prove his allegiance to the Lord
To enter the Proving and become Harrowmount's gem
The Warden emerges champion and is given his next task
To gain the favour of the Assembly, to kill Jarvia and her gang
Through Dust Town they journey, questioning the casteless
Finding entrance to the hideout and into the wolf's fang
Fighting through legions of dwarfs proves no walk
Tis a hard earned road all the way
The Warden finally battles Jarvia herself, a hardened warlock
Ending with her blood feeding the grounds of Orzammar
The Warden returns to Harrowmount thinking the deed is done
Yet, the Lord provides another task to be completed to secure the throne
To search the Paragon Branka, within the ruins of the broken
Battlemaster Ohgren, husband of Branka joins the Warden's task
Determined to see his estranged wife once more
The search would take many dawns and many dusks
The trail leads the Warden through Caridian's Cross, Ortan Thaig and the Dead Trenches
Where thousands of darkspawn lurk within each and every wall
With no choice, and the fate of Ferelden in the Warden's hands
They press on towards each clues call
In the Dead Trenches, horror awaits
Of the discovery concerning the fates of Branka's House
In her mad obsession to obtain the Anvil and its ability to create
Branka had sacrificed her entire House to the hands of the darkspawn
The Warden comes across a creature most grotesque, The Broodmother
The battle lasts a sundown, blades, arrows and magic fly
It ends when the Warden rips out the creatures cancer
The journey serves to end at the Anvil Void
Where Branka shows her face and asks the Warden to help clear a path to the Anvil
The Warden abides and finds himself in a choice to have the Anvil preserved or destroyed
Caridin, the creator of the Anvil states the evils of using such a device
While Branka wants to use it, to bring glory back to the dwarves
The Warden sides with Caridin, earning the wrath of Branka
Upon defeating Branka, Caridin smiths a crown he himself carves
Caridin, knowing his creation is gone
Drops himself into the lava below
Finally resolved, he dies with his soul reaching the Makers warmth
The crown is presented to the new King of Orzammar, Harrowmount
And in turn, promises aid to end the Blight
Bhelen, in a fit of rage attacks the Warden, knowing who to blame for his defeat
The disgraced Bhelen dies in his spite
And for that, it ends but the story is far from over
For the next journey would take the Warden to the Dalish in the Brecillian outskirts
Friday, August 27, 2010
DRAGON AGE ORIGINS: As Told By A Blind Poet (Part Two)
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
DRAGON AGE ORIGINS: As Told By A Blind Poet (Part One)
Mars has become a Grey Warden
At the Battle of Ostagar, the darkspawn attack
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Buttfucking Movie of the Week: The Big Lebowski
The plot concerns a case of mistaken identity as debt collectors enter Jeff's house demanding that he pay money owed to Jackie Treehorn, wealthy pornographer and loan shark. The person the thugs were really looking for was Jeffrey 'Big' Lebowski, multi millionarre. Jeff goes to see Jeffrey over the cas that the thugs that confronted him peed on his rug and Jeff politely asks Big Lebowski to compensate him. During the course of Jeff visiting Jeffrey's house, he meets Bunny Lebowski, Jeffrey's trophy young wife.
What happens next, Bunny goes missing, Big Lebowski gets ransom note, Big Lebowski contacts the Dude asking him to facilitate the ransom drop. Things get out of hand with the Dude, Walter and Donny picking up the pieces but all they want to do is win the local championship bowling tournament.
And then there's John Turturro playing bowling rival Jesus, proclaiming the immortal line, 'Don't fuck with the Jesus'. Seriously, I have to get that as a bumper sticker.
The Dude is one of the most memorable characters in a movie. He's kind of like half a real person and half a cartoon character with a lot of bad shit coming his way. He's just an average guy that just wants to live the world by his own rules. For a better description, The Dude lacks any ambition whatsoever because he's happy with the way it is. He has a crappy car, a non-existent job and a house without a rug and yet, he's happy and doesn't care. While Jeff Bridges was extraordinary as the Dude, the real scene stealer is John Goodman's Walter who's bigger than life itself personality just grabs your attention. Walter is the fucking man as you can see from the two videos below. In the second video, the profanity is cut out and replaced with a dub which sucks but I can't find another video of this scene anywhere else. In the original film, he says, 'This is what happens Larry, this is what happens when you fuck a stranger up in the ass'. Fuck and ass are censored which is retarded.
Finally, there's Sam Elliot as the narrator and Sam Elliot does what Same Elliot does best, talk in a deep resonant voice sporting that trademark thick horseshoe moustache.
If your looking for a fun film to watch with memorable characters, memorable moments, awesome dialogue that you'll be quoting for years to come and a dash of Coen Brothers style humour, watch the Big Lebowski.
Shut the fuck up Donny!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
OSK Investment Challenge
And that my friends is a quote by Gordon Gekko, played by Michael Douglas in the movie Wall Street for which he won an Oscar for Best Actor. I am that 90%. I am part of the general public. Royally fucked in the ass by the rich.
I want to be Gordon Gekko. I want to make his kind of money and not get caught. I want to be the one fucking people over. Not the one's getting fucked in the first place. Can I be that guy? To have no conscience, no guilt and with only profits and money on my mind.
I've only made a profit on 4 stocks so far, and the rest have gone into the red. And the profits weren't really extraordinary. The losses were. And that sucked balls. As of now, I just want to get the certificate for 75% game time. Getting into the top ten zone is way beyond reach with those wankers racking in 20000 increases in value. I'm no Gordon Gekko, just a regular man making average time.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Buttfucking Movie of the Week: A Clockwork Orange
I love this film. The plot, Malcolm McDowell, the dialogue, the setting, the satrical nature, Beethoven, the choreography and of course the inappropriate use of Singing in the Rain. In my opinion, my favourite Stanley Kubrick film.
Set in the not too distant future, the film explores the decay of society and in this instance it focuses on Alex (Malcolm McDowell) and his gang as they engage in the sport of ultra violence, rape, killing an elderly woman with a statue penis (only happens once and is disturbingly funny) and drinking drug laced milk. In the first half, the film takes on a heavy satrical feel that aims to produce the sort of life that society hopes to become. When Alex gets arrested and sent to jail for murder, the government uses Alex in their experiment to eliminate his sexual and violent desires. The Ludovico technique. He is presented as a cured individual and released into the world. But the treatment didn't eliminate his sexual and violent desires, merely transferring a bout of pain if he has a sexual or violent thought. The second part of the film goes into darker territory and asks the question: How does a cured violent and disturbed gentleman handle himself in a world that embraces violence?
Embedding has been disabled by the user so I can only provide links to these scenes:
Alex Shows His Droogs He's Still The Leader
This is quite possibly my favourite scene from A Clockwork Orange as it shows the captivating Kubrick style of directing that really makes it an art of its own. The one major thing I liked from A Clockwork Orange was the dialogue. It was Alex's made up slang and is quite infectious. Listening to them talk had me trying to copy it.
Gang Fight
The fight between the two gangs is one that crosses the absurd. And all to the playings of classical greats.
A Clockwork Orange is a very deep film that requires you to intepret certain scenes and not see them as they are. Sure, there's plenty of violence, nudity and sex but the film requires you to look beyond them. Its not just about those three things. This film is the answer to moral decay, an answer to society's answer to moral decay and an answer to the governments answer to moral decay. On top of that, the film is poetic at times and parallels to Shakepeare.
A Clockwork Orange is a classic that stands the test of time and is Kubrick's as well as McDowell's best.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Artists I'd Like To See Perform In Malaysia
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Coheed and Cambria Concert in Malaysia
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Crackdown 2: Renegade Agility Orbs
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Buttfucking Movie of the Week: Monty Python and the Holy Grail
For those that lived under a rock, Monty Python is a Brit comedy group comprising of Graham Chapman, John Cleese, Terry Gilliam, Terry Jones, Eric Idle and Michael Palin playing multiple roles in the film. Also, the group write the film with Terry Jones and Terry Gilliam directing. I would like to see a reunion but after the death of Graham Chapman in 1989, that wouldn't be possible. Being the comedic personas they are, during Chapman's funeral, John Cleese delivered the eulogy which goes as such:
He has ceased to be. Bereft of life, he rests in peace. He's kicked the bucket, hopped the twig, bit the dust, snuffed it, breathed his last, and gone to meet the great Head of Light Entertainment in the sky. And I guess that we're all thinking how sad it is that a man of such talent, of such capability for kindness, of such unusual intelligence, should now so suddenly be spirited away at the age of only forty-eight, before he'd achieved many of the things of which he was capable, and before he'd had enough fun.
Well, I feel that I should say: nonsense. Good riddance to him, the freeloading bastard, I hope he fries.
And the reason I feel I should say this is he would never forgive me if I didn't, if I threw — threw away this glorious opportunity to shock you all on his behalf. Anything for him but mindless good taste…
All right Cleese. I know you are very proud of being the very first person ever to say 'shit' on British television. If this service is really for me: Just for starters, I want you to become the first person ever at a British memorial service to say 'fuck'
And of course my favourite part, the fight with the Rabbit of Caerbannog. This film is a gold mine in laughs.
Or when Tim the Enchanter makes an appearance.
Or in the scene where the undertaker calls out upon people to bring out the dead.
And all this is just a small portion of what the film is. Monty Python and the Holy Grail is always included in any top comedy list has to be one of the most referenced and paid homage in films, comic books, novels, video games and TV shows from Superman to the Simpsons to Shrek to even commercials like Gatorade. Not watching this film is like missing out of a significant moment in pop culture. All the jokes you see in comedies of today, all influenced by Monty Python. Its funny, smart, witty, memorable, has great characters and the best ending EVER!
Other Monty Python films would include:
Monty Python's Life of Brian